Connecting the world with Clarity
By breaking down communication barriers between people and generating new mediums of understanding one another through technology
Focusing on key problems
Problem 1 that Genclarity aims to reduce to achieve clarity
Ambiguities are a certain set of thoughts that are incomplete. This can occur when people are communicating and one person understands concepts while the other person faces ambiguities in their thoughts in order to understand the message the other person is conveying.
Specifically, they have a certain set of thoughts in which they do not understand the combinations and connections between each other - which could be simple or complex. Yet they feel a sense of ambiguity based on this and know they cannot get to the stage of full understanding like the other person is at.
Gaps are areas where a person's understanding drops significantly within their awareness. They may have uncovered this gap already or experienced this when communicating with others.
It can be tough to work around since the gap in understanding is not partial like an ambiguity. Furthermore, others who are communicating will realize this and have to make a choice to either explain in detail or move on. Which can be limiting for everyone in achieving clarity.
Problem 2 that Genclarity aims to reduce to achieve clarity
Boundaries are the outer limits of a person's understanding. This is a problem that easily presents itself after ambiguities and voids are resolved. There is often differences in our understanding when communicating with anyone but ourselves. Furthermore the world as whole is complex and the limits of a person or a group's understanding eventually requires more learning.
There is flexibility in continuing to take in more information from the world and understanding it on your own way. Yet this is a limit that is discovered and a factor to actively deal with. Beyond the limit, knowledge and experience doesn't quickly turn into understanding and has to be converted efficiently to reach clarity.
Problem 3 that Genclarity aims to reduce to achieve clarity
Connecting thoughts and creating clarity through innovative technology
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Genclarity Inc.
300 Carnegie Center Dr, Princeton, NJ 08540